Fujifilm Superia X-tra 400

Shot on 35mm at box speed with Pentax-M SMC 50/2.0 and Porst MC 135/2.8

Developed and scanned by Nimmfilm. Presented unedited.

About Fujifilm Superia X-tra

Superia X-tra 400 is part of Fujifilm's consumer film offerings. It used to be also available as 120 medium format film, but new stock is only produced in 35mm. Technologically, the film is really strong, with miniscule film grain and decent color reproduction that leans towards a colder white balance.

About Fujifilm

Fujifilm is a major multinational corporation based in Tokyo, Japan, and a traditional manufacturer of photographic equipment. The company started with the manufacturing of film in 1934, but quickly expanded to the full range of imaging products such as lenses, cameras, microscopes and scanners. The company dominated the Japanese market for decades and managed to get into western markets in the 1980s [1].

Fuji still produces color negative and positive film as well as BW film, and found success on the market with a revival of the instant camera. In contrast to their American competitor Kodak, Fuji embraced the digital era and offers today a range of well-regarded digital cameras that include film simulation profiles of their present and past film stocks.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fujifilm#Photographic_film, retrieved July 29th 2020


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